Profile PictureLU.MALUJE

WATERCOLOR - ALL YOU NEED | Procreate brushes by Lu.maluje

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WATERCOLOR - ALL YOU NEED | Procreate brushes by Lu.maluje

6 ratings

ENG / SK ↓

Hello my lovely friends! :)

I finally finished so long promised Watercolor brushes for Procreate and I AM SO PROUD OF THEM!!! :)

You know me - I don't like complicated things and an unnecessary number of brushes that which one never uses. So this is a set of brushes that you will actually use (AND YOU WILL LOVE THEM!) I hope... :)))

Along with the brushes, there is also a watercolor texture in the package. So you will immediately have everything you need and you can start drawing! :)

If you are tired of testing and prefer to immediately see how each brush is used, there is an extra quick and easy tutorial on my YouTube channel.

So friends, enough talking, let's draw! :)

Ahojte kamaráti! :)

Konečne som dokončila sľubované akvarelové štetce pre Procreate. A SOM NA NE TAK HRDÁ!!! :)

Poznáte ma - nemám rada zložité veci a zbytočné množstvo štetcov, ktoré človek nikdy nepoužije... Takže toto je sada štetcov, ktoré naozaj využijete (A BUDETE ICH MILOVAŤ!) Dúfam... :)))

Spolu so štetcami je v balíčku aj akvarelová textúra. Takže okamžite budete mať všetko, čo potrebujete, a môžete začať kresliť! :)

Ak vás nebaví testovať a radšej hneď vidíte, ako sa ktorý štetec používa, na mojom youtube kanáli je extra rýchly a jednoduchý tutoriál.

Tak kamaráti, dosť rozprávania, poďme kresliť! :)

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Amazing watercolor brushes! :) (7 drawing brushes, 1 blender, 1 eraser, 20 stamp brushes, 1 watercolor texture)

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